DC Realtors, you really should start making videos

DC Realtors, you really should start making videos

Go to YouTube.com and search for Washington DC real estate agent.

You’ll see a number of things there:

  • You’ll see agents that posted one video years ago.
  • You’ll see agents talking about themselves the entire time in that one video.
  • In some instances, you’ll see beautifully executed videos with lots of transitions and effects and music…videos that take a lot of time, effort, and money to produce, which is why they only did that one video, years ago. 

What you won’t see:

  • Any agents with anything remotely resembling a regular posting schedule. If you understand marketing, you know that consistency is key.
  • Anyone consistently delivering content that benefits home buyers and sellers. You can’t just talk about yourself and your passion for real estate, blah blah blah. You have to actually help people by delivering information that is immediately relevant and beneficial to them.
  • Consistent high-quality videos. How do you want your videos to look? Do you want to post videos regularly that look like you did them yourself, or do you want the quality of your videos to reflect your level of real estate expertise?

All those things equate to a huge opportunity for agents with the foresight to take advantage of it. YouTube is the #2 search engine on the Internet, behind Google. Nobody is doing anything to own the top spots in the search results for "Washington DC real estate agent." Those top spots are occupied by videos that are years old and can easily be taken over by someone publishing one video per week for a month or two.

Agents are slowly beginning to incorporate video into their marketing strategy and it’s just a matter of time before video is not a novelty, but instead a requirement. There was a time when you didn’t need a cell phone or an email address to sell houses. Now, there’s no way you could compete without them. Do you want to be the agent who scrambles to get into video after all your competitors are doing it, or do you want to be amongst those who enjoy the benefits of early adoption?

I can help you develop and execute a video marketing strategy that will enhance your existing marketing efforts by allowing you to present yourself to potential clients on a weekly basis. You can also upload the videos to your Facebook page and run targeted ads. Technology allows us all to make commercials these days. Use the contact form below so we can get started on your video marketing strategy.

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